If you need to obtain an accurate sewer line locate, it’s best to use modern equipment. Chasles Plumbing Professionals uses only high-end locators that can provide both spatial data as well as a camera view of exactly what it looks like below ground.
Don’t trust blueprints or city documentation, often they are not accurate. I t can be a costly mistake if you are digging near the sewer and water lines and the plans are out-of-date.
When you call Chasles Plumbing Professionals for a locate, we’ll show up with the equipment shown here. We simply wave it back and forth over your property to find exact distances and depths of your plumbing. The locator works in any kind of pipe (lead, cast iron, PVC or ABS) so we can service buildings both new and old.
Call Chasles Plumbing Professionals today to schedule your location service.